Friday, June 7, 2013

Kanava /Koonthal Curry - Squid Curry in Kerala Style

Squid or Kanava is known as the pen of ocean :) Yeah that's what I studied while in first standard! Why is it so ? It has an ink like substance on its body which it uses for its defense. When threatened,this ink is released into the water and Squid escapes :D What a smart boy, eh ? However, let's see how this smarty pants can be cooked in Kerala Style. So who is smarter ,eh ?


  1. Squid - Large - 10 numbers
  2. Turmeric Powder - 1 tea spoon
  3. Salt - to taste
  4. Garlic - 1 whole
  5. Chilly Powder -  2 table spoon
  6. Grated Coconut - Half Cup
  7. Green Chilly - 5
  8. Tomato - 2
  9. Drum sticks 1
  10. Tamarind - Keep tamarind in water for 15 minutes and extract the  juice-  1 table spoon
  11. Curry Leaves

How to Make?

  1. Cut the head and remove the skeleton and drain off the ink and wash well. Cut into thin small pieces or long rectangular pieces.
  2. Cook the squid with enough water , salt and turmeric powder. Cook till it is soft.Drain off the water once cooked.
  3. Take a pan and cook squid with tamarind extract,red chilly powder and crushed green chilly, garlic and curry leaves. Boil for a minute.
  4. Add tomato and drum sticks and grated coconut.
  5. Close the pan and cook till gravy thickens.

Enjoy with rice!

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